
Artist: Albrecht Durer

All Artists > Albrecht Durer
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Self Portrait at the Age of Twenty-Eight, 1500 by Albrecht Durer
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Self Portrait with a Thistle, 1493 by Albrecht Durer
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Self Portrait with Gloves, 1498 by Albrecht Durer
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Virgin and Child 'Madonna with the Iris', 1508 by Albrecht Durer
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Virgin and child holding a half-eaten pear, 1512 by Albrecht Durer
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Virgin Mary suckling the Christ Child by Albrecht Durer
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Weierhaus by Albrecht Durer
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Wing of a Blue Roller, 1512 by Albrecht Durer
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Young Venetian Woman by Albrecht Durer
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Angel with Lute by Albrecht Durer
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Squirrels, c.1512 by Albrecht Durer
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Blue I by Albrecht Durer
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All Artists > Albrecht Durer
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