
Artist: Unknown

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Blenker's Brigade Covering the Retreat Near Centreville, July 1861
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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Confederate cotton burners near Memphis surprised by Federal scouts during the American Civil War, 1862
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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Confederate Roll-call
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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Cover of a music song sheet for the Boston Light Dragoons
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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Declaration of Independence of the 13 United States of America of 1776
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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Federal battery fording a tributary of the river Rappahannock on battle day
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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General Grant reconnoitering the confederate position at Spotsylvania court house
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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General Schenck with Four Companies of the First Ohio Regiment
Artist: Unknown
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Great Battle at Wilson's Creek
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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Harper's Ferry Insurrection: Bringing the Prisoners Out of the Engine-House
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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Headquarters of Sanitary Commission, Brandy Station, Virginia, 1863
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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Henry Thoreau
Artist: Unknown
Fine Art Paper
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All Artists > Unknown
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