All Artists
- Cornelisz, Pieter
- Cornoyer, Paul
- Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille
- Corpeny, Peggy
- Corr, Christopher
- Corrado, Italo
- Correggio, Antonio Allegri da
- Corriveau, Helene
- Corsari, Melissa
- Corso, Stefano
- Cortez, Jenness
- Cortona, Pietro da
- Coryndon, Sophie
- Cosby, John
- Cossey, Craig
- Cossiers, Jan
- Costa, Antonio
- Costa, Lorenzo
- Costello, Sean
- Cot, Pierre
- Cot, Pierre Auguste
- Cotton, Andrew
- Couldery, Horatio Henry
- Coulson, Carolynne
- Coulter, Cynthia
- Coulter, William
- Courbet, Gustave
- Courtland, Anne
- Courtois
- Courtois, Guillaume
- Coutu, Heidi
- Covey, Mikel
- Cowdrey, Richard
- Cowles, David
- Cox, Charles Arthur
- Cox, Daniel J.
- Coypel, Antoine
- Crabtree, Debbie
- Craig, Charles
- Craig, Jordan
- Craig, Philip
- Craig, Shawnda
- Craig, Timothy
- Crain, Curt
- Crainer, Julia
- Crainford, Steven
- Cram Concepts
- Cramer, Pieter
- Cranach, Lucas
- Cranach the Elder
- Crandall, Gary
- Crandall, Jeff
- Crane, Judy
- Crane, Rita
- Crane, Walter
- Craven, Katrina
- Crawford, Beverly
- Crawford, Denise
- Crawford, Susan
- Crawford, Tonya
- Creative, Beth Anne
- Creevy, Bill
- Crespi, Giuseppe Maria
- Creswell, Robert
- Cretarolo, Sue
- Critchley, Jonathan
- Croci, Ron
- Crockett
- Croft, Tom
- Crofut, Robert
- Crombie, Charles
- Crossman, Fletcher
- Croteau, Jeff
- Crowder, Beth
- Crowell, Eileen
- Croxford, Rob
- Cruellas, Isabel
- Crump, Matt
- CTArt
- Cua, Janice Darr
- Cueman, Lisa
- Cuitt, George
- Cullar, Warren
- Cullen
- Cullen, Johanne
- Cullen, W
- Cullum, Linda
- Culver, Laura
- Cunningham, Imogen
- Cuozzo, Marianne D.
- Curilova, Ludmila
- Curran, Charles
- Curran, Charles Courtney
- Currier, Nathaniel
- Currier and Ives
- Curry, Dennis
- Curt, Brigitte
- Curtis, Bruce
- Curtis, Edward S.
- Curtis, Paul