Subjects > People > The Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III
The Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III

The Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III

Fine Art Paper
13.44in. x 13.92in.
Item #: PPA-PVP4515

Fine Art Paper

13.44in. x 13.92in.
Subjects > People > The Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III
Subjects > People > Political Leaders > The Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III
Art Styles > Renaissance > The Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III
Art Styles > Renaissance > Mannerism > The Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III
Artists > paolo farinati > The Submission of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa to Pope Alexander III